Friday, February 11, 2011

Bhavana hot photos

The Bull and The Bear are continuing to bang heads. Wall Street and even Main Street USA, and I am sure even your street is in shambles. The banking system is melting before our eyes and is in total chaos. The bankers, all the smart players are demanding a bailout. They have ripped us off, lined their pockets and are smoking a big cigar bought with their fat wallets and they want help! The only bailout plan should be the bankers getting bailed out of jail for this mess, the mess that has almost crippled our economy and the mess that they have put us into. So as we sit around wondering what's next, now we need to ask ourselves ... Are there any safe places to put your money in this time of the weak dollar, while all of the financial lenders go belly up, with the oil market a ticking time bomb, with wild fluctuations in the stock market? There is hope for that safe haven. You need to follow this advise, you need to act now, this is not a doom and gloom scare tactic, it is simple real life mathematics. We say park your cash in: gold. Yes Gold! Whether it is coins, bullion, or Kruggerands, gold has historically been a safe haven for your hard earned cash. That is not about to change any time soon, if ever.

The California gold rush is a well documented example of how far back gold has been popular. gold In fact, we can go back thousands of years to trace the lineage of investment. Gold has historically and will continue to be a solid investment! Think about this, gold is an item you can hold in your hand, that alone is a main reason why it is valuable Sun It is an item you can hold, wear around your neck or in a store safe. It's not an abstract number in a computer bank that rises or lowers by market movers who have no clue. It's not spat out by a magic money tree in the basement the Federal Reserve. It is produced by mother earth and all her wonderful resources. Gold, to this day has to be mined by gold miners and separated from the earth. Gold is virtually impossible to become worthless, along with silver it is what all paper and minted money is supposed to be backed by in all countries around the globe. Everywhere you can think of, world economies depend on the price of gold, positive and more importantly the economies need the value of it to be maintained in a manner.

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